
Estill Voice Training ™

ESTILL VOICE TRAINING ™ is a research based method, developed and founded by Jo Estill (1921 – 2010), world-renowned educator, researcher, and singer. There is no cultural nor aesthetic bias in Estill Voice Training; and with a focus on vocal health, it’s useful for those who seek the full range of expression in the human voice, embracing all voice qualities and all styles of singing.

“How am I doing this?” was the question that motivated Jo Estill´s nearly 25 years in research in the vocal physiology, acoustics, and perception of voice quality.

Her research in 6 different voice qualities shows that each voice quality has its own characteristics. This knowledge was developed into the training system “Figures for Voice” – a series of exercises that train independent verification of the structures that influence our voice. Working with “Figures for Voice” & “Six Voice Qualities” provides awareness of your own voice and allows you to use your voice in a balanced and healthy way.


I have been singing as long as I remember…..

Since I was young I have worked with different music projects both as a singer and as the arranger/producer.

The last year I have writen my own music and published 2 CD´s with original material.

You can listen to my music here or use the buttons to choose your channel.


I offer private lessons at Søris & online. It could be One2One or together with a friend.

I work with all kinds of students from beginners to professionals; anyone who wants to work with their voice such as singers, actors, speech therapists, music teachers, school teachers, choir leaders and others.

I love to teach singing and music and believe that everyone has a beautiful voice; you just need to know how to use it – and “vocal beauty” is defined by you – not anyone else.

My teaching is always based on the person I teach and in cooperation with him or her. The teaching aims at making you conscious of what you are doing and improving the artistic expression of your individuality as well as healthy voice usage. The vocal technique is grounded in Estill Voice Training. In addition to the technical work, I can offer a focus on: diction, improvisation, interpretation, style awareness, rhythm and ear training.

Please contact me by email or phone if you are interested to book a lesson.


Why choose Dorte?

I have been working with my voice as a singer and teacher for more than 35 years.

I have extensive experience as a teacher of both amateurs and professionals from my many years of work at e.g. Rhythmic Music Conservatory, DKDM, Institute of Music Science, music schools and many music conventions and further education courses.

Since 2000, I have taught more than 200 courses in the voice method Estill Voice Training in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Holland, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia & Greece.

My experience with Estill Voice Training (EVT) goes back to 1988 when I, as a recent graduate from Det Kgl. The Danish Music Conservatory, went to New York to be taught by Jo Estill, the founder of EVT. My meeting with Jo was decisive for my perception of the singing voice and all its possibilities.

In 1991 I organized the first course with Jo Estill in Denmark, and enjoyed the great privilege of working as her assistant on many courses for the following 9 years.

  • Estill Voice Training Master Teacher & Course Instructor with Testing privileges
  • 35 års erfaring som sangunderviser, heraf over 20 år på Rytmisk musikkonservatorium
  • Statsprøvet Musiklærer (Det Kgl Danske Musikkonservatorium)
  • Certificeret NLP Master (Dansk NLP Institut)
  • Forskningsbaseret undervisningsmetode

I offer competent musical and technical guidance based on the individual person.

  • Member of Estill International Certification Board 2009 – 2013
  • Board member of the Danish Voice Association 2010 – 2014
  • Board member of the Danish Society for Speech Therapy and Phoniatrics 2019 –

"I know much more about functions right now and take much more care of my technic"

Conny Kreitmeier Singer, Germany

 "Bra att ni är så stöttande och att alla vågar experimentera inför gruppen. Bra att ni är så kunniga och professionella"

Margareta Sandblom Sanger & Sangpædagog, Härnösand, Sverige

''It was great to get to know how everything really works! I have so many new thoughts about singing now and I´m curios to try out all the things in my repertoire now. I´m sure, EVT will help me to improve my singing and I will hopefully be more successful, healthy and flexible as a singer!''

Katrin Paasch Singer, Germany

''This Estill Voice Training Course gave me scientific knowledge about what I am doing & using when I sing. It empowers me to analyze & overcome weaknesses quite effortlessly''

Naomi van Dooren Singer, Germany

''It was great to experience the EVT by the plenty exercises and examples shown by Dorte! It was interesting to compare the “feelings” of singing properly in various styles with the physiology''

Victor Petersen Singer, Germany

“Dorte´s powers of observation were really strong and she knew how to adapt to the ways we learn differently. She was very generous in showing her experience and knowledge and she really took the time to hear every voice deeply. Dorte created an amazing environment to explore, create, and allowed us to be courageous.”

Mark Bautista Singer/Actor & VoiceTeacher

"Dorte is very positive, supportive and respectful when you try out an exercise or sing something. I highly recommend a course under her tutelage, Dorte Hyldstrup knows her stuff".

Michelle Breedt. Professor & Opera singer

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