Complete Level one & two course


This course will start with In with “Figures for Voice”, – Level One – the foundation of Estill Voice Training.

You will learn to identify, isolate and practise control over 13 parts of the vocal mechanism.

Each part influences your sound. e.g. when you change the length of your vocal tract (the distance from your vocal folds to your lips) you change the color of your sound.

A long tract gives you a darker sound versus a shorter tract will result in a brighter sound. This is just one of many structures you will learn to control.

After working with the “figures for voice” we will continue with figure combination for the six voice qualities; Speech, Falsetto, Sob, Twang, Opera & Belting.

The “recipe” for each Voice Quality is based on research. When you know how to produce the voice qualities you gain the ability to use your voice in different genres and without compromising your vocal health.

Estill Voice Training offers simple and concrete tools that helps you to develop a healthy and versatile voice.

– Understand how your voice really works
– Sing or speak sing with more power
– Improve your range
– Sing or speak without pain & fatigue
– Sing or speak with many tone and color possibilities




Upcoming Level One Courses